jeudi 10 février 2011

Deux excellents articles
Le premier article, mentionné par Foglia dans La Presse, est une entrevue fleuve que Floyd Landis a accordée à Paul Kimmage et parue dans le NY Times. C'est un peu décousu mais c'est un portrait incroyable vu de l'intérieur.

Le second est la réaction de Christophe Basson à la lecture de l'article de Kimmage.
J'aime particulièrement le dernier paragraphe de son entrevue.

" the one thing I would add about Armstrong is that I'm not sure he is as proud of the person he is todayas I am of myself. Whatever you do in life, you have to accept the consequences of your actions, like I accepted the consequences of my decision to get out of cycling without looking back. So I hope he has the mental resources and the money to deal with the consequences of what he has done all these years, I really do. But I also hope that the truth comes out. And I don't envy Armstrong, that's for sure..."

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